Monday, November 10, 2008

Eduard Manet paintings

Eduard Manet paintings
Edwin Austin Abbey paintings
Are your kids on drugs? Did they get them from your doctor? You`re not alone. A new study published in the November issue of Pediatrics Journal shows that the trends for chronic medication in children are way up. The three year study found that the number of type 2 Diabetes medications prescribed for kids and adolescents more than doubled from 2002 to 2005, with a high prevalence among girls aged 10 to 19. Researchers from the Pediatric Research Institute of St Louis University and the Kansas Institute
Edward Hopper paintings
reported that the number of asthma medication prescriptions for children increased 46.5% over the three year study. ADHD medication prescriptions were up over 40%, and girls again accounted for a larger percentage of the increase than boys.
With the mixed messages from the mainstream media about the causes for ADHD, asthma and diabetes, more parents are seeking the help of their MD and the pharmacy to help solve their children problems. Today`s kids are already carrying a heavy body burden from pollutants in the air, water, household products and food additives. On top of this, many more children are being treated with prescription medication for asthma, ADHD, and high blood pressure than ever before.

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