Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fabian Perez tergopelo II painting

Fabian Perez tergopelo II painting
flower The Fruit Basket painting
hand with flowers. She looked at 'em--and touched 'em--so--and they grew like mad. Some folks have that knack--I reckon you have it, too, Mistress Blythe."
"Oh, I don't know--but I love my garden, and I love working in it. To potter with green, growing things, watching each day to see the dear, new sprouts come up, is like taking a hand in creation, I think. Just now my garden is like faith--the substance of things hoped for. But bide a wee."
"It always amazes me to look at the little, wrinkled brown seeds and think of the rainbows in 'em," said Captain Jim. "When I ponder on them seeds I don't find it nowise hard to believe that we've got souls that'll live in other worlds. You couldn't hardly believe there was life in them tiny things, some no bigger than grains of dust, let alone color and scent, if you hadn't seen the miracle, could you?"
Anne, who was counting her days like silver beads on a rosary, could

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