Friday, July 18, 2008

Andreas Achenbach paintings

Andreas Achenbach paintings
Alphonse Maria Mucha paintings
The oil industry says the report is vindication, but it, too, worries about this year."We do not see the same kind of events that were around last year," said Red Caveney of the American Petroleum Institute. "But were something unforeseen to occur, because it's very, very tight, it's not impossible that that could happen."The electricity picture is much the same. There have not been enough new power plants to power a growing economy. And price deregulation, to many, has made things worse."There needs to be some pullback from this deregulation approach and some careful assessment of how we want to organize the electricity sector in the future," said Edward Smeloff of the Pace Law School Energy Project.There's no one reason all of these problems have come together, but the result is that energy for much of the nation is tight.

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