Monday, June 2, 2008

Filippino Lippi paintings

Filippino Lippi paintings
Francisco de Zurbaran paintings
Gustav Klimt paintings
Georgia O'Keeffe paintings
The answer smote him like a blow, and he stood still in the path, looking down at her.
``What did I come for, if I don't speak yours?''
``Oh, my friend -- !'' She laid her hand lightly on his arm, and he pleaded earnestly: ``Ellen -- why won't you tell me what's happened?''
She shrugged again. ``Does anything ever happen in heaven?''
He was silent, and they walked on a few yards without exchanging a word. Finally she said: ``I will tell you -- but where, where, where? One can't be alone for a minute in that great seminary of a house, with all the doors wide open, and always a servant bringing tea, or a log for the fire, or the newspaper! Is there nowhere in an American house where one may be by one's self? You're so shy, and yet you're so public. I always feel as if I were in the convent again -- or on the stage, before a dreadfully polite audience that never applauds.''
``Ah, you don't like us!'' Archer exclaimed.

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